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Kirton Games

EVENT - Kirtonian Conflict XIV - 1000pts Warhammer 40000 Tournament - Saturday 8th March

EVENT - Kirtonian Conflict XIV - 1000pts Warhammer 40000 Tournament - Saturday 8th March

12 Tickets left

Regular price £15.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £15.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
Rules: Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play.
Army size: 1000 points.
Missions: Missions & Deployments will be drawn from the Pariah Nexus Mission Pack and announced by the TO after the List Submission Deadline.
Number of games: Three.
Army selection: Following all Core Rules for Incursion battle size games.
For the avoidance of doubt, your Detachment Rules, Warlord, unit strengths, optional upgrades, enhancements etc must all be recorded on your roster.
Army lists MUST be submitted by email in a text format to or via the Best Coast Pairings player app before the start of the event. Players will be deducted a 10 VP penalty in the first round for failure to submit a valid list.
Please ensure you have at least one printed copy of your list on the day for your opponents.
Publications in use: All current and in-print Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition Rulebooks, Index, FAQs, Errata and other documents, unless their release falls after the list submission deadline.
All current and in-print FAQs and Errata, unless their release falls upon the weekend of the event.
Any exceptions to this policy will be at the discretion of the TO.
Your Models: Models may be unpainted for this event, but points will be awarded for armies which are Battle Ready as normal. In addition, all models MUST be fully assembled, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and correctly based to the current standard as supplied by Games Workshop.
Third-party models, including those which are 3D printed are acceptable where they are comparable to what they represent, and conversions encouraged.
If you have any queries relating to these requirements, or need clarification on whether a model is acceptable, please contact us before the event. Please note, that depending on the circumstances, needing to change your list after the List Submission Deadline could result in a penalty.
Draft Schedule:
Registration 10:00 - 10:20
Tournament Briefing 10:20 - 10:30
Round 1 10:30 - 12:30
Lunch 12:30 - 13:15
Round 2 13:15 - 15:15
Round 3 15:30 - 17:30
Final Results & Awards 18:00
Trophies for Best General, Runner-Up & Best Army.

General Details:

Parking: There is ample parking at St Saviours Way carpark which is less than a five-minute walk from the shop.

Food: We have a selection of snacks and drinks on sale throughout the weekend.

In addition, there are plenty of food options within a short distance in Crediton..

Best Coast Pairings: The BCP Tournament software is manually configured for this event, you will be added to the event prior to the list submission deadline.

Cancellations: Please note that regretfully we are unable to offer refunds or ticket transfers to future events within 14 days of the event.

Accessibility: Regretfully the store is not easily accessible to wheelchair users. However, if you have any concerns please contact us in advance of purchasing a ticket to discuss, and we will make every effort to make suitable arrangements to accommodate you.

Non-participants: The attendance of non-participants, is at the discretion of the TO. Any non-participating minors should be accompanied at all times by a supervising adult, and are the responsibility of those they accompany.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask, getting in touch via Social Media or email us at


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