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Kirton Games

LEAGUE - Winter Warfare 2000pts Warhammer 40,000 League

LEAGUE - Winter Warfare 2000pts Warhammer 40,000 League

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You are invited to take part in our next Warhammer 40,000 In Store League!

You will need a 2000pts Warhammer 40,000 force to take part, your list and faction may be changed freely between rounds. This should be fully assembled, but does not need to be painted (though painting points should be applied when scoring as normal).

The league is organised over four rounds, with pairing for each round posted in our Warhammer 40,000 @ Kirton Games Facebook Group where results can also be reported. Please note that while this is not intended as a competitive event Winter Warfare will feature timed games for smooth running and for the enjoyment of all players. More then anything else though its a chance to play some games, and to meet new people!

In Brief, here are the key points.

- You will be committing to playing one League game every three weeks in-store at Kirton Games, over four rounds.
- If a match can not be completed by mutual consent both players will be awarded a Draw.
- In other circumstances where a match can not be completed, the LO will have the final decision in a suitable alternative arrangement.
- You will need a 2000pt force to take part, your list and faction is not fixed and can be changed between rounds.
- Your force does NOT need to be fully painted to take part. However, we will be using the normal +10pts scoring for armies which meet the Battle Ready criteria.
- In each League Round you will be drawn against an opponent (randomly in the first round, via Swiss pairings subsequently). You will then need to arrange a convenient day and time with your opponent to play the game in-store at Kirton Games before the end of the round.
- You should generate the mission you play from Pariah Nexus Mission Pack in the normal fashion.
- Games are limited to a duration of 3 hours starting with the Attacker/Defender roll off. Once the time has expired players should complete the current round to ensure both players have an equal number of turns.
- Results should be reported in the League Round thread or alternatively via Best Coast Pairings.
- The winner of the League will receive a free ticket to a future Kirtonian Carnage event.
- We also encourage you to post additional photo’s and battle reports. There may be an additional prize(s) for our favourites!

Schedule -
Round 1 - Draw - Monday 2nd December
Round 1 Concludes - Sunday 22nd December
Round 2 Draw - Monday 23rd December
Round 2 Concludes - Sunday 12th January*
Round 3 Draw - Monday 13th January
Round 3 Concludes - Sunday 2nd February
Round 4 Draw - Monday 3rd February
Round 4 Concludes Sunday 23rd February

*Extended Round for the Christmas period, if games are completed sooner we will commence Round 3 early.


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